Monday, October 30, 2006

things to know about ToM

he was originally a women but now is a man.

He had a hamster but it died, because he played the Rolling Stones song painted black at it continously. When it died he throw it at some random children.

ToM thinks he is soo smart...but he is not.

ToM doesnt smell bad, but he does have an odor.
ToM is the man keeping you down.

ToM went into the forest one day and found a pack of wolves. He joined there society became there leader then marched them off a cliff.

That Cher song about that gypsy women who loses her virginity to a 21 year-old who leaves her with a kid, that was a true story, ToM is Cher's love child.

ToM leaves body parts on the NYC subway system which are collected by the MTA guys then proceed to rot in the lost in found; thus causing that strange odor present in all NYC subway stations. ToM thinks doing this is funny.

When i was a kid that showed us a video about teeth care and portrayed plaque as an intelligent rational thinking being completely bent on ripping out your teeth. I am not saying this is ToM but I think he wishs that that was his job.

Once ToM took off his clothing, painted his body green, and tied two flshlights to his head. He then went the Amish people and annouced himself as jesus. The Amish(who can never read this) didnt believe him so he shot one of them at random with a paintball gun. They took this as a sign and agrred to follow him. To this day he still has legions of amish folken working under him. Which explains those nuclear-powered barns in northern Canada.

ToM was not the second shooter in the grassey knoll (look it up!) but he sold the guy the rifle.

If ToM had a pimple he wouldnt pop it intead he would cultivale it in a culture to create an ointment that will convert the nicest face into a puberty-induced-volacanic nightmare. Off course he would fail at this, No bacteria worth anything would grow on his face if they had any other options.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

boring night

Not much to do tonight maybe I will head over to ToM's house and go through his trash.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

tom's kittes

Tom has kittes, murderous blood sucking evil kittes. These kittes arent just bad, there hell on earth. His kittes are so evil guys like stalin see them and say "wow thats very evil, tom. And i killed over 30 million people". so where does tom get his kittes anyhow.

During the cold war there was a project known as the manhattan project. Now, obviously they really didnt do much work in manhattan. i mean you cant set off an A-bomb in Time Square without people finding out about it. The reason it was called the Manhattan project was to distract people from the hidden very secretive brooklyn project. However, Tom was involved in both. Here in a rare photo obtained from Al reueters:

We see tom with the heads of the manhattan and the lesser known brooklyn project.

The brooklyn projet remains very secretive to this day. However in memos published by the New York Times we are told that the project was to create killer kittes. That could rain distructive violence down on our enemies.

After the war the project was offically disbanded indefinitly. What most people dont relize is that the reasearch continued. Cloaked in a veil of secerecy the defense department claimed it was researching methods of blimp warfare, but in reality it was funding Tom's horrific death kittens.

Over time congressional review threaten to spot the budget oversight so tom was forced to move. Using the well known connections between the state department and the suadis (who loved him becuase of his anti-semtic dog jake) he secured passage to suadi arabia. Deep in he empty corner of the deserts of the middle east. In lands covered with blood, Tom's death squad kittens are being trained as we speak.

The main ingredient in the kittens food comes from humans. Tralfamadore an agent found in human urine from exposure to Fluoride was put into the american people's water supply. So he could get a never ending supply of Tralfamadore. A seriously deadly substance.

After a while rumors started to circulate about tom's death kittes. In order to continue his work he sent the death kittes to hijack three planes and crash them into the world trade center. Which he know would cause a major distruption to peoples effort to stop him.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I have pictures of ToM!!!!!

I am posting pictures of Tom up so everyone knows who he is. Take that Tom pictures can be found:
and here you can see him in his trailer

Notice the ugly glasses and beer belly. Remember only you can prevent ToM

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tom's phone message

Employing the latest in covert technologies, and a phone book. I have obtained Tom's phone number. HaHaHaHa!!!! I called him up to tell him that I was stalking him, but sadly he didnt answer. Instead his voicemail message implied that Him and Richard Nixon need my organs. So I am once again going to have to conclude that Tom is a chinese communist spy. But, apparently he is now in the black market organ trading buisness. Beware Tom, beware I am watching your every move. I see you in the bathroom, I see you at work, I will destroy you!!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

TOM is back

Leaving us to wonder, what the hell he was doing for so long. My theory is that he was working in northen canada with radical fringe eco-libertarian-communist-chinese-feminist-right-wing groups. I mean why else would he be in Buffalo?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I smell Tom

Not sutre what Tom is up too now, but it smells like more evil.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I have become aware that despite by best attempts at a day time raid on his trailer and me and Glen R. writings Tom continues to exist and whats worse he seems to have allies. Hence from this day forth I annouce to the World that Tom and all of his degenerate followers shall now be mocked and eventually "dealt" with in the name of the People! Viva the anti-tom Revolution!! Viva!!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Tom the Kitten eater

A while back Tom's posted some picturs of his new kittens. He had three cute little ones. Now in his most reacent post he shows only one kitten. So the obvious question is, What happened to them?! My theory is that Tom and his antisemitic black panther dog jack have cooked and eaten them, most likely Gyro style (just by looking at him you know that Tom is a gyro eater, sick bastard). Anyhow someone should call PETA on him get him arrested or whatever it is that they do.

Let the Schwartz be with you.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

What the world is saying about Tom

I have gathered here the quotes from various leaders through out the world on the subject of Tom (warning I am using the modern standards of journalistic integrity, hence lots of copying and pasting)

Saddam: "When I get free I am appointing Tom as my ministry of economics, he can help me get my brand of socalism to work... I am sure of it"

Mike S Adams: "I had Tom in my class, flucked that little brat the first day"

Ann Coulter: "Single greatest threat to America"

Pat Buchanne: "He should be deported to england, stupied foreigners"

Rush: "He makes me loose my appetite"

Bill O'reailly (pre-jumped the shark) "little brat"

Bill O'reailly (post-jumped the shark) "come on! Tom just come on"

Kim Jung Ill (read in a creepy voice)"I like drawing pictures of him"

Bush "Kerry Kisser!"

Tom's dead kittens: "He keeps on eating us, please stop him before he kills again! I lost my little brother today!"

Internation Zionist conspricacy guys: "We dont know why he likes Israel, but its creeping us out"

Kerry "Well at least he puts heinz ketchup on his cats when he eats them"

Creepy mathematicall economists (chanting out of sync) "One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!......

Alan Ginsberg: "I meant Tom not Molka!!

Greenspan: "He shall be the greatest mathematicall economist of all time!!! Muhahah!!! Soon he will rise to power and mess with the intrest rates on levels never seen before!!!"

T.S. Eliot "I will show you fear his name is Tom"

Jerry Springer: "I want him on my show, enough said"

Saturday, September 10, 2005


I like to admit when i am wrong so here it goes; In my previouse post on Tom I accused him of being British which isnt fair to the welsh so i have to say that tom really is english not british. Which of course means he has bad teeth and the tendancey to hang around french men too much.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tom is really British

I made a mistake before, i now know the truth. He is really British! I never would have guessed it but for two things 1: He just said Haurumph which as any C-span viewer can tell you is the traditional british way to say "I want to kill you and take your wife as my own (or some varent of that theme)" 2: His british like wit. Anyhow not sure why the british would be so hell-bent on sending Tom to Amerika, my best guess is that the british are attempting a very long complicated scheme to regain control over us. Dont put it past them, i mean hell that little island used to rule over the entire habitable world, and Canada.

Friday, September 02, 2005

What Tom Really believes in

Tom believes in the Buisness cycle!!! I have proof, last night I snuck a glance into his window and saw him drawing a Philip's Curve while muttering to himself. i think he plans to create a new mathematically economical structure which will be the perfect fusion of: Keynes, Marx, and the Paul Krugman! it will most likely involve prime numbers somehow. I would have gotten a better look but his antisemitic dog Jack started chasing me.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Tom is dead

Ha ha ha Tom is dead proably killed by his anti-semtic dog Jack. Ether that or his phone connection isnt working properly due to the fact that his trailer park is pretty poorly run. Whatever the case might be he isnt posting. So now the youth will no longer be corruptied by him. (More gleefull laughing)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Why Tom was gone for so long

Receantly Tom has claimed that he has had techinical problems, and that is the reason he hasnt been posting, bu in reality the truth is much much more sinister. I havent figured it out yet, but i will soon. In the mean time I will continue to go through his trash and stalk his sister untill I find out what i need to know. Also I have hired a local kid to poison his antisemitic dog "Jack".

Monday, July 25, 2005

How Tom Got His New House

Dear loyal readers i have some terrible news to tell you. Recently the Neversink dam in Loch Sheldrake New York flooded its banks and wiped out about half of a local trailer park. There was a great loss of damage but luckily no deaths. The official reason for the flood was the incompetence of the local officials to open the flood gates during the storm. However there is one person who benefited from the flood. I think you know him; it was Tom!!! After the flood many people left the trailer park for good, hence they were renting trailers for a very cheap price. Tom took advantage of this situation to buy himself a great trailer for a low cost. So anyway here is my working theory:
Tom went to the official in charge of the dam and bribed him to not open the flood gates, knowing damn well that Sullivan county has a seasonal floods due to rapid melting of snow. He bribed him for two reasons. 1) To advance the libertarian cause by trying to make the government look as incompetent as possible 2) To get himself a cheap trailer. If my theory is true then Tom should be considered a terrorist (a terrorist is a person that causes destruction deliberately to civilians to advance political causes). In which case Homeland security should probably storm his trailer commando style, but first they will have to get past his antisemitic dog.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Ok your going to have to follow me on this one.
1) I have information from a good source that Tom was once an admitted Buddeist.
2) At the sametime I have information that he "studied" Chinese in school.
3) Notice how he never puts any pictures of himself on his website, its allmost like he has something to hide. like his Race
4) At the same time his first name is very very common why doesnt he just go around calling himself John Smith?
5) He also critises the US government.
6) And he has cats, lots of them.
7) Plus the ramion noodles
8)Notice how he allways talks about economics, very unusual

Anyhow putting all these facts together. I think it is obvious to everyone that Tom is a chinese communist spy! He has lots of cats and noodles because that is his primary food supply and who but a communist would talk about economics so much? Anyhow I am working with deep cover anti-covert intellegence guys right now to bring him down. The reason we havent yet is because his stupied antisemtic dog Jack wont stop barking at me, making it very difficult to approach his trailer.


Tom the Pooklekufr claims that he is planning to convert to Judaism, but in reality he has an antisemtic dog!! The dog is named "Jack". Tom will proablay deny this like he denies the existence of the buisness cycle (even through he really believes in it). Dont Deny it Tom admit it the world! Your dog Jack is an antisemit he barks at jews all the time.


This Website is dedicated to one goal, namely the destruction of Tom the Pooklekufr. My goal is to destroy his beliefs, his dreams, and his stupied cats and dog jack (who keeps on freaken barking at me!!!!). Stay toned to this website I will be telling more about what this awfull awfull man.