tom's kittes
Tom has kittes, murderous blood sucking evil kittes. These kittes arent just bad, there hell on earth. His kittes are so evil guys like stalin see them and say "wow thats very evil, tom. And i killed over 30 million people". so where does tom get his kittes anyhow.
During the cold war there was a project known as the manhattan project. Now, obviously they really didnt do much work in manhattan. i mean you cant set off an A-bomb in Time Square without people finding out about it. The reason it was called the Manhattan project was to distract people from the hidden very secretive brooklyn project. However, Tom was involved in both. Here in a rare photo obtained from Al reueters:

We see tom with the heads of the manhattan and the lesser known brooklyn project.
The brooklyn projet remains very secretive to this day. However in memos published by the New York Times we are told that the project was to create killer kittes. That could rain distructive violence down on our enemies.
After the war the project was offically disbanded indefinitly. What most people dont relize is that the reasearch continued. Cloaked in a veil of secerecy the defense department claimed it was researching methods of blimp warfare, but in reality it was funding Tom's horrific death kittens.
Over time congressional review threaten to spot the budget oversight so tom was forced to move. Using the well known connections between the state department and the suadis (who loved him becuase of his anti-semtic dog jake) he secured passage to suadi arabia. Deep in he empty corner of the deserts of the middle east. In lands covered with blood, Tom's death squad kittens are being trained as we speak.
The main ingredient in the kittens food comes from humans. Tralfamadore an agent found in human urine from exposure to Fluoride was put into the american people's water supply. So he could get a never ending supply of Tralfamadore. A seriously deadly substance.
After a while rumors started to circulate about tom's death kittes. In order to continue his work he sent the death kittes to hijack three planes and crash them into the world trade center. Which he know would cause a major distruption to peoples effort to stop him.
During the cold war there was a project known as the manhattan project. Now, obviously they really didnt do much work in manhattan. i mean you cant set off an A-bomb in Time Square without people finding out about it. The reason it was called the Manhattan project was to distract people from the hidden very secretive brooklyn project. However, Tom was involved in both. Here in a rare photo obtained from Al reueters:

We see tom with the heads of the manhattan and the lesser known brooklyn project.
The brooklyn projet remains very secretive to this day. However in memos published by the New York Times we are told that the project was to create killer kittes. That could rain distructive violence down on our enemies.
After the war the project was offically disbanded indefinitly. What most people dont relize is that the reasearch continued. Cloaked in a veil of secerecy the defense department claimed it was researching methods of blimp warfare, but in reality it was funding Tom's horrific death kittens.
Over time congressional review threaten to spot the budget oversight so tom was forced to move. Using the well known connections between the state department and the suadis (who loved him becuase of his anti-semtic dog jake) he secured passage to suadi arabia. Deep in he empty corner of the deserts of the middle east. In lands covered with blood, Tom's death squad kittens are being trained as we speak.
The main ingredient in the kittens food comes from humans. Tralfamadore an agent found in human urine from exposure to Fluoride was put into the american people's water supply. So he could get a never ending supply of Tralfamadore. A seriously deadly substance.
After a while rumors started to circulate about tom's death kittes. In order to continue his work he sent the death kittes to hijack three planes and crash them into the world trade center. Which he know would cause a major distruption to peoples effort to stop him.
Hmm, I think my friend's cat might be one, it's huge, I swear that with a well-placed leap, it could knock a guy unconscious. Trouble is I think it's too fat and lazy for that.
Must be one of the rejects.
Oh, and I also heard from Tom that you too are interested in programming, I've posted a project you might be interested in on my site.
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