Tom is really British
I made a mistake before, i now know the truth. He is really British! I never would have guessed it but for two things 1: He just said Haurumph which as any C-span viewer can tell you is the traditional british way to say "I want to kill you and take your wife as my own (or some varent of that theme)" 2: His british like wit. Anyhow not sure why the british would be so hell-bent on sending Tom to Amerika, my best guess is that the british are attempting a very long complicated scheme to regain control over us. Dont put it past them, i mean hell that little island used to rule over the entire habitable world, and Canada.
Isiah, I want to thank you for your word verification, suggestion, fortunately I had a daughter who could find it and she did it for me. Thanks,
Also please do not pass Tom off as British, English maybe but not British, which of course includes nice decent Welsh fold as well as the evil English, I can certainly see that Tom could be English, what I didn't know was that the Engish had anything besides Welsh hating Dogs. Of course maybe the Dog thinks you are Welsh.
Thanks again
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