I have gathered here the quotes from various leaders through out the world on the subject of Tom
(warning I am using the modern standards of journalistic integrity, hence lots of copying and pasting)Saddam: "When I get free I am appointing Tom as my ministry of economics, he can help me get my brand of socalism to work... I am sure of it"
Mike S Adams: "I had Tom in my class, flucked that little brat the first day"
Ann Coulter: "Single greatest threat to America"
Pat Buchanne: "He should be deported to england, stupied foreigners"
Rush: "He makes me loose my appetite"
Bill O'reailly (pre-jumped the shark) "little brat"
Bill O'reailly (post-jumped the shark) "come on! Tom just come on"
Kim Jung Ill (read in a creepy voice)"I like drawing pictures of him"
Bush "Kerry Kisser!"
Tom's dead kittens: "He keeps on eating us, please stop him before he kills again! I lost my little brother today!"
Internation Zionist conspricacy guys: "We dont know why he likes Israel, but its creeping us out"
Kerry "Well at least he puts heinz ketchup on his cats when he eats them"
Creepy mathematicall economists (chanting out of sync) "One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!......
Alan Ginsberg: "I meant Tom not Molka!!
Greenspan: "He shall be the greatest mathematicall economist of all time!!! Muhahah!!! Soon he will rise to power and mess with the intrest rates on levels never seen before!!!"
T.S. Eliot "I will show you fear his name is Tom"
Jerry Springer: "I want him on my show, enough said"